Sunday, 13 January 2013

Effective Communication @ working life

Communication in simple words and plain txt basically is:  Listening, thinking and talking.  
It has two related features:
- Interpreting Language
- Using language to present information and ideas
Both of the above need to be demonstrated through:
Listening, speaking, reading and writing and there are  many and different ways/types  of communications, from gestures to silent and drawing.  Telephone and face to face.  Each one of those has its strengths and weaknesses.  

Meetings and Group discussions are one of the main forms of communication at work place.

Why do we arrange meetings at work place?
As team work is an essential part of the any organisation and its one of the effective ways to share information with the team, review work or solve any problems.   It provides an opportunity to share ideas and get help and support to provide feedback about performance.
For everyone,  it is important to take  part in discussion and everyone plays in important part in the team or organisation they work with.

To prepare for a discussion one needs to know about the topic of discussion.  He/She needs to prepare for the purpose and subject they want to contribute.

Meeting/group discussion give us chance to develop working relationships,  express ourselves, form opinions, and ask questions.

There are important points to remember when taking part in a meeting or discussion:
  • Listen, respect and appreciate the contribution others make 
  • Confirm you understand what has been said, by gesture/body language etc.
  • Take the discussion further
  • Make contribution that is relevant to subject, suited the audience and the situation
Some of the things to take into account could be:
  • Personal circumstances of the person/s you are having a discussion with
  • Access to information
  • Previous discussions you may have had
  • Generation gap
  • Cultural or social background of person/s you have a discussion with
An important point would be to look for common ground and developing links for future and further discussion.
The key to success in life is good and effective communication.  Good communication with others will lead you to do better  life.

Listen well to others
Understand what others say
Express yourself clearly
Be clear and concise 

Communication is not about hearing well, it is about listening well and understanding correctly the meaning of intended message.
So the primary and  most important part of communication is Listening (Two ears and one Mouth)
Coming next...