Monday, 29 October 2012

Afghanistan-urgent winter appeal:Deadra's flight

From Tahir Qayumi in response to our Afghanistan Winter Appeal Oct2012

A wise and pious rich man, sensing his approaching death, called his son to his side and gave him these instructions: "My son, I shall be leaving you very shortly. On the day when I die, and they have washed my body and come to wrap it in the shroud, I want you to put one of my socks on my foot. This is my final request of you."

Soon after this, the old man did indeed die, leaving behind his goods and property, his children and his dependents. Family, friends, acquaintances and neighbors attended his funeral. The body had been washed and was almost completely wrapped in the shroud, when the son remembered his father's wish. Finding one of his old socks, he handed it to the washer of the dead, saying, "In accordance with my father's last request, please put this sock on his foot."

"That is quite impossible,” said the man. "Such a thing is utterly impermissible in Islam. I cannot act against the Sacred Law." Despite this valid objection, the son 
insisted, "That was my father's final request; it must certainly be carried out."

The washer of the dead was unmoved. "If you won't take my word for it," he said, "go and ask the mufti. He will confirm what I tell you, that it is not permissible." Holding up the funeral, they consulted the mufti, preachers and scholars, all of whom declared that this was not permissible in Islam. Just then, an aged friend of the deceased interrupted the debate with these words to the son: "My boy, your late father entrusted me with a letter which I was to hand over to you after his departure. Here, this letter belongs to you." So saying, he gave him an envelope. Taken by surprise, the boy opened the envelope and read out the contents of his father's letter:

"My son, all this wealth and property I have left to you. Now you see: at the last moment, they won't even let you give me an old sock to wear. When you yourself come one day to be in my condition they will also refuse to let you keep anything but your shroud. Few yards of shroud are all you will be able to carry over from this fleeting world into the Hereafter. So pull yourself together and be prepared. Spend the fortune I have left you, not for the satisfaction of vain desires, but in ways pleasing to Allah, that you may achieve honor in both worlds." [Author Unknown]

Friday, 26 October 2012

Deadra's Flight to Afghanistan, Kabul

Here is the latest PR on British Afghan Women's Society's  2nd Winter Relief Mission for Afghan Refugee Camps (Deadra's Flight October 2012)  following (Ismael's Flight March 2012).

Amnesty International Calls for International Assistance for Prevention of Child Freezing Deaths In Afghanistan, as Private Citizens Commit Cargo Plane for Airlift

Related article on

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Prevent children from freezing to death in Afghanistan

 Urgent Assistance is needed  for  Internally Displaced People (IDPs)  Refugee Camps in Afghanistan 
TO UK based Airlines Companies!
 I, Zarghona Rassa, am writing to you on behalf of our team and organisation the British Afghan Women's Society (BAWS), that is working on our second winter relief mission to Afghanistan Refugee Camps. Our organisation and other corporate sponsor partners are dedicated to the process of making that happen but we need your help.

 Many business and community leaders are on board as well as hundreds of individuals. Our community is clearly excited and eager to see this project succeed. You can be a part of that excitement by supporting our mission with providing  round trips flights for three of our volunteers. We are happy to acknowledge your donation on our website, Press Releases and at our numerous events, (unless you prefer otherwise). Below is more details about the Mission and links for your information Many thanks for your kind consideration in advance.

BRITISH AFGHAN WOMEN'S SOCIETY is a (Registered Charity No. 1104668) and is URGENTLY seeking the donation of round trip travel services to Kabul for three volunteers through destination airports in closest proximity, if not directly to.

DATE: 18 OCTOBER, 2012


The British Afghan Women's Society in London has collected around three tons of warm winter baby and children's clothes to send to the refugee camps in Kabul, Afghanistan.  But is URGENTLY seeking the donation of round trip travel services to Kabul for three volunteers through destination airports in closest proximity, if not directly to.  If you could please donate your company's services please let us know via contact details provided.  

More than 35,000 people are living in unheated tents where temperatures will likely dip below zero this winter, making it a dangerous time for the poverty-stricken families who often lack adequate blankets and clothes.  Last winter the BBC reported that at least 23 children under the age of five froze to death in the camps.  The donations will be flown to Afghanistan through the generous donated services of air cargo companies.

If you can KINDLY donate your company's services please call:

Ms. Zarghona Rassa
TELEPHONE: 0044(0) 208 3736350 OR 0044-(0) 7956471078

Or email: Zarghona Rassa at: and

The website is:


BABY CLOTHES! -  web-page

Face Book event link:


Saturday, 29 September 2012

How To Treat Others?

Once upon a time, I knew to Treat Others with Respect.  In modern days from learning and  personal experience, It changed to; Treat others the way they like to be treated?    It is just easy to say or do what we like and ignore others by simply miss understanding, miss judging  and/or just being careless about what others think, do or feel?

Thanks to social media, I  am linked to hundreds of friends and few groups/networks and I notice many people are not interested in any cause or issue that may be of concern to others around them.   In the same way many of these friends notice what I am interested in & what causes are close to my heart?   
Somehow, they don't understand my issues and causes such as Humanity and Poverty, feel uncomfortable about it and  a tiny minority even stop communicating with me.   I understand them, the path they want to take in life and this is entirely their choice but what amazes me is that many of these people I considered friends or at least friendly to have such a lack of understanding about the issues that concerns me and the causes I support.

Fair enough,  people have their own problems to deal with,  no time to care for or nerves to cope with the causes of other friends who are trying to bring a positive change or an improvement through advocacy, humanitarian work and/or activism for social change.

Unfortunately,  In this world there are many of us who do not care for/or are not interested in what is going on around them?  They are happy to go with the flow and I am happy for them.   
So I shut them out the way they try to shut me out and treat them the way they treat me.
I have chosen my path and will not give up, doing my little bit for the world to be a better place. I do  not want to live for just a few selfish "friends" but I want to be a part of  all selfless activists and advocates who care and share.   

Sunday, 23 September 2012

 Bagraami Girls School 2009
 London No. 10 Downing Street 2002
 US Embassy London IWD
 Mazar-e Sharif 2009
 Herat 2009
with Canadian Minister for Immigrants 2009

Every one in this world have to do something to prevent children from getting married and having kids at early teens.  This is also the cause of mothers dying during pregnancy or while giving birth.  Also the babies dye before the age of five.  

Every day 25000 girls under the age of 18 years are married worldwide!

Thursday, 28 June 2012

مهمترین چیز هاییکه  در زنده گی روزمره برای انسان ها آسایش نسبی  زیادتر بوجود میآورند: 

  1. شنیدن -   با توجه کافی / به گونه درست و مثبت/ دانستن احساس سخنران و دریافت نکات مفید
  2. پرسیدن -   بخاطر دریافت معلومات / سبب مکالمه مستقیم/ متمرکز نمودن توجه به مطلب و دعوت دیگران به سخن گفتن
  3. و یا گفت و شنود -   با مسوولیت یعنی  اینکه دیگران از آن برداشت مثبت نمایند/ نه آنکه آنانرا-  برای اینکه  از سخنان ما برداشت غلط نموده اند مسوول بدانیم.    
باید بکوشیم تا احساس آنهارا دریابیم- تا بدانیم که در اطراف ما چه میگذرد.  احساس شنوایی و دید انسان ها 
متفاوت است  و برداشت شان از آنچه شما میگويید نیز بیسیار باهم تفاوتدارد.

بهتر است کار درست کنیم یا هیچ کاری نکنیم  تا آنکه  اشتباه انجام دادن یگان کار  غلط را بکنیم.
بهتر است وقت را که برنمیگردد با بهبود بخشیدن و بالابردن سطح دانش ‍و ظرفیت کاری خودما بکار گیریم تا آنکه بخواهیم به دبگران صدمه و ضرر برسانیم.  

بلی - سخنان بیسیار ساده و عام فهم اما درعمل پیاده نمودن آن بیسیار مشکل است.  اگر قبول نمیکنید بیآیید   با انجام آن خود را امتحان کنیم!

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Dear all,

I am sharing this post with you because I want to take you through the journey I have been during the week of Afghan New Year March 2012.  On arrival and throughout the hard times I faced it there it did not seem the same as before.  The times that the Happiness of the New Year- Nawroz could be shown from miles away in the faces of people and the city.

I am talking about the winter appeal relief mission for organising and coordinating an international airlift  and personally accompanied the goods from Bagraam airport to Kabul city for distribution to refugee camps facing various armed checkpoints at the middle of night.

Cindy Goodboo  Kalitta Air shared her thoughts with colleagues;

I could not get Zarghona off my mind. So I sat and wrote what was buzzing in my head. I figured you could relate so I’m sending it off to you....remember this is just an outline of thought.
Imagine if you will...After miles of travel to run from the violence of war around them, to end up in inadequate camps for survival feeling safer then where their homes were, has got to be devastating enough, as well as wondering where their next meal will come from.
To be forced to move from your own home for safety due to mankind, and now nature has to slowly creep into their camps with temperature falling below zero. To be so tiny, and be so cold, not understanding why the world is so bold. To be so young and can’t speak, as their parents do their best to keep them alive.
To flee from war in a panic to try to save your family, then to watch them freeze to death in your arms...with little they can do. As they wipe away their child’s last tear.
A child to young to understand and parents with no answers, feeling helpless and hopeless as they watch their children suffer. One can only imagine the pain they must be enduring. Especially when, their child’s little hands grasp their finger and their eyes stare up to them one last time. To give birth and watch it fade away in their arms all within a short time is more punishment then any parent should endure.
And then one day their prayers were answered when a woman by the name of Zarghona Rassa came into their lives and heard their cries.
Her courage says it all. A question one must ask themselves...could I have been Zarghona and took that chance? Could I stand before these soldiers with their AK-47? Zarghona did, Zarghona believed in what she was doing, and had faith to take these risks to save these innocent children and to give some relief to these poor families.
Zarghona truly is a “miracle” to many families whose prayers have been answered. Zarghona is an example of strength and courage. We should all follow her footsteps, understanding that these innocent children deserve a chance to live.
Through Zarghona and the help of their organization they truly have given dozens of children a second chance at life... Who said prayers are never heard? Zarghona heard them. This was truly a test for Zarghona and an answer from God.
Zarghona’s determination shall be passed on to my grandchildren, her life is not an elusion but a touch of reality, and they will know her name.
Zarghona’s name will be carried with me in my life and taken with me to my grave. As she is admire most for her faith.
Cindy Goodboo

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Winter2012 Emergency Appeal Mission

An overview of Winter 012- A week long  Emergency Mission. Photo Gallery of Zarghona's Trip and comments via Emotion Reports!   Huge Thanks to All supporting allies of the mission, who made this mission successful.

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Afghan Secret Prostitute

نصایح زرتشت به پسرش

آنچه را گذشته است فراموش کن و بدانچه نرسیده است رنج و اندوه مبر
قبل از جواب دادن فکر کن
هیچکس را تمسخر مکن
نه به راست و نه به دروغ قسم مخور
خود برای خود، زن انتخاب کن
به شرر و دشمنی کسی راضی مشو
تا حدی که می توانی، از مال خود داد و دهش نما
کسی را فریب مده تا دردمندنشوی
از هرکس و هرچیز مطمئن مباش
بیگناه باش تا بیم نداشته باشی
سپاس دار باش تا لایق نیکی باشی
راستگو باش تا استقامت داشته باشی
متواضع باش تا دوست بسیار داشته باشی
دوست بسیار داشته باش تا معروف باشی
معروف باش تا زندگانی به نیکی گذرانی
دوستدار دین باش تا پاک و راست گردی
مطابق وجدان خود رفتار کن که بهشتی شوی
سخی و جوانمرد باش تا آسمانی باشی
روح خود را به خشم و کین آلوده مساز
در انجمن نزد مرد نادان منشین که تو را نادان ندانند
اگر خواهی از کسی دشنام نشنوی کسی را دشنام مده
دورو و سخن چین مباشانجمن نزدیک دروغگو منشین
چالاک باش تا هوشیار باشی
سحر خیز باش تا کار خود را به نیکی به انجام رسانی
اگرچه افسون مار خوب بدانی ولی دست به مار مزن تا تو را نگزد و نمیری
با هیچکس و هیچ آیینی پیمان شکنی مکن که به تو آسیب نرسد
مغرور و خودپسند مباش، زیرا انسان چون مشک پرباد است و اگر باد آن خالی شود

چیزی باقی نمی ماند

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Singers Ustad Khyal and Merman Zheela

Afghanistan- 1960s Music Male and Female singers,  Half a century gone what a "progress" Afghanistan has made?  Where are we and where is the rest of the world?  Amust watch!

Saturday, 25 February 2012

My short Doc about Afghan Women MPs and link to Sitara Achekzai's clip!

 This is a link for  my short Documentary with Afghan Female Parliameterians  Kabul.  Filmed  2010 and 2011.  Longer version on its way.

Sitara Achekzai was the sister of one of my favorite  English language teacher's Bashira Achekzai 1970s in Kandahar Zarghona Anaa High School.  Rest in Peace!

Sitara Acekzai was a memeber of Provincial Council in Kandahar.  Here is a link for a tv clip about her:

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

هر جامعه به تغیر روش و رفتار تمام شهروندان ضرورت دارد!

انسان ها در زنده گی شخصی و یا اجتماعی زمانی پیشرفت میکنند تا بدانند که دیوار های زندان را که مانع آن پیشرفت میشود٬ خودشان ساخته اند.
 امروز٬ بیآیید اذهان مارا از افکار منفی و اختلافات آزاد بسازیم٬ تمام افکار بی فایده و خطرناک را درمورد خود ما و دیگران دور نموده و اذهان مارا از موانع آذاد سازیم.  آزادی سلامتی فکری بارهای  سنگین را از شانه های ما دور میسازد و زخم هارا مرهم میگذارد.  از همین امروز بی اعتمادی و ترس را از خود دور کنییم٬ قهر را٬ حس گناه را٬ دور کنیم و قرض های ما را بپردازیم٬ غرور و   شرم را که افکار ما را مسدود ساخته دور نموده و آشتی کنیم.  این را راه  سلامتی فکری و آزادی از زندان در راه ترقی و پیشرفت میدانند.  ساینس ثابت نموده٬ وقتی کانال های دماغی باز گردد با گرفتن اکسیجن و انرژی انسان میتواند کارهای علمی و هنری زیادی انجام دهد٬ دستآوردهای عالی داشته باشد. آن زمان است که  آنها به اهمیت خود و دیگران پی میبرند٬قدر همدیگر را میدانند  و افکار روشن میشود و دیوار های زندان بی اعتمادی را میشکنیید!
افکار روشن مارا  به تغییرات مثبت در زنده گی کمک میکند و از چوکات یا نقشه های که دیگران برای ما ترسیم نموده  مارا بیرون میکشاند و راه ما را خود ما انتخاب میتوانیم  که با ارزشتر و واضیحتر از خط و نقشه های ترسیم شده توسط دیگران است. 
باداشتن افکار تازه ٬ تصمیم و پلان خود تان را  در مورد خود٬ خانواده٬اجتماع ٬کشور و جهان را داریید و میتوانیید راهی درست٬ مثبت و دلخواه تان را انتخاب نمایید.   
بیايید از همین امروز٬  همه ما در راه داشتن افکار سالم ٬مثبت و روشن بکوشیم تا در راه مفید برای کار های بهتر و بیشتر و بزرگتر از آن استفاده نماییم.
. وضعیت کنونی افغانستان را  نیز زمانی میتوانیم  بهبود  ببخشیم تا انسان های آن جامعه با افکار روشن ٬ رفتار  مثبت  ودارای بدن و  فکرسالم باشند .   انسان ها باید بدانند  چی کسانی را به پارلمان و حکومت شان انتخاب نمایند ٬ در غیر آنصورت هیچ تغیری بسوی بهبود و پایدار نخواهد بود.  این کار را هرچه زودتر بکنیم بهتر است.  زیرا طوریکه گفته اند:
عقل سلیم در بدن سالم است  ویا هم  کار امروز را به فردا نگذاریید!

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Afghan Women- Afghan Solution

Here is another article by Afghans for the attention of Afghan  and International political leaders  and decisionmakers to read and think again that there  is no alternative unless an Afghan Solution is found for Afghan Problem.  It is not only about the status of women it is also true to all other crucial issues of ethnic/political and economical issues  in the country.

Thursday, 12 January 2012

How to be effective as an individual or part of a team? Z. Rassa

Personal Development

It is true for everyone that as individuals we all need to be committed to our personal development and this is a life learning process.  Particularly people like myself who were brought up in Afghanistan and who have experienced the bitterness of the sufferings that so-called “Afghan” war had on them.  
What is PD? And why is it important? 
This is my favorite subject and I think crucial in life.  This is a fast changing theme as technology era in our fast changing world.
This is not only the negative traditions and old style aggressive political and inter- ethnical relations that need changing  but its's also important  to be prepared and to respond to all these challenges as Individuals.

The process of Personal Development is awareness of our improvement and achieving the highest in life.  For us as individuals to be successful and make the best use of our strengths and talent in several aspects, we need to create a culture of self-effectiveness and self-improvement.
To be effective we need to try to:

·      Reduce and decrease our negative qualities such as ego, anger, greed and doubts by as much as possible.

·      Learn to appreciate our own self and others. As our PD is for ourselves and improving our relationships with and attitude towards other people and our environment.  We have to appreciate what ever we have and get in life.

·      PD is also about self-simplicity and self-satisfaction in life.  It is about our inner deeper voice from our heart, a moment with our own self to be able to have an opportunity to listen to the voice of our heart with our silent mind.

·      PD is realisation of who am I?  In a moment of silence going back to, where I am coming from? Knowing what I need and how much I need in life?  How I should behave to be a positive example?

·      Simply, PD is a process of thoughts and belief that by living simple and appreciative life in peace and love with others surrounding me and being thankful for what I have.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

راځی چی دخپل ځان  او له نورو لپاره هم زیار وباسو!

هر دری میاشتی یا کال وروسته غواړم د ځان لپاره څه وکړم خو څو ورځی لا نه وی تیری چی بیا رانه پاته وی.  دمثال په ډول که غواړم جیم ته ولاوه شمه او یا د قدم وهلو وډ وکړم. څو ورځی یا اونی  لا تیری شوی نه وی او بیا را نه پاته وی.
کله چی نور څه راڅخه وغواړی غواړم کاڼی ماتی او هغه کار ورته وکړم تر هغی چی وسه می کیږی ٬او کله هم د ځان په تاوان.  نه یو وار خو په وار وار.
 دا ۲۰۱۲ عیسوی کال- غواړم د ځان لپاره هم هغه څه وکړم چی له هغی پرته نشم کولای د ځان او یا نورو په ګټه واوسم.
 تر هرڅه لومړی باید خپل ځان ته پاملرنه وکړو داځکه چی که موږ سالم بدن ونلرو هیڅ بل کار نشوکولای یعنی  نه دځان او نه هم د جهان لپاره.
نو له همدی کبله٬ راځی چی تصمیم ونیسو او ځان ته پاملرنه وکړو.
که غواړو د ژوند څخه خوند او ګټه واخلو د ورځنی بدنی روزنی لپاره هم باید پلان جوړکړو او عملی یی هم کړو.  ددی کار په کولو سره کولای زموږ بدن چی پوستکی، غوښی او هډوکی دی٬ په سالمه او دوامداره توګه خپلی ورځنی چاری سرته ورسوی. او د ورځنیو چارو سرته رسول زموږ سره د فکر په فعاله ساتلوکی مرسته کوی .  لکه چی وایی: سلیم عقل په سالم بدن کی وی.
خو کله چی سالم بدن و نلرو، د فزیکی کار توان ونلرو او همیشه  د ځان او نورو د اوږو بار واوسو٬ نو دا هرومرو د انسان پر عقل او فکر بده اغیزه لری.
همداشان٬ کله کله داسی کیږی ی چی دبل چا لپاره ډیر کارونه کولای شو او بیا د هغه په بدل کی داسی چلند راسره کیږی چی هغه متل را یادیږی چی وایی:  ښه مه کوه چی بد ونه وینی.
په دی صورت کی هم٬ دا کار پر مغزونو او هم په نتیجه کی پر بدن او ورځنیو چارو منفی اغیزه کوی او غیر له پښیمانی څه لاسته نه راولو.  خپل ځان ته پاملرنه وکړو٬ ّهغه هډوکی چی په خوب کی دی دمنظمی  بدنی روزنی په اثر یی فعاله کړو او مثبته ګټه ورڅخه واخلو.
نو راځی چی  داسی هم و نکړو چی د ځان په ګټه نوروته زیان ورسوؤ او داسی هم  نه چی د ځان په تاوان نوروته ګټه ورسوؤ٬ ځکه دا هم  د انسانیته لیری خبره ده او هم غیرعادالانه او غیر منطفی عمل  بلل کیدای شی. 

Monday, 2 January 2012

وقتی که سیل آمد - شعر زیبای از دوست گرامی ما مرحوم بیرنگ کوهدامنی که بخش آن را برگزیده ام

از جمله خلایق٬ خلق عجب که ما راست          وقتی که سیل آمد٬ فکر نجات کردند
هرگز کسی نپرسد از شاه و شیخ و شحنه     کزخون آدمیزاد٬ رود فرات کردند
دروصف اهل دانش٬ هرگز سخن نگفتند       آنرا که بی هنر بود٬ چندین صفات کردند
یک روز بت شکستند٬ احرام کعبه بستند       روز دیگر پرستش٬ لات و منات کردند
ارباب ناز و نعمت٬ مزدور مستحق را          از گاو غدود دادند٬ نامش ذکات کردند
با لشکر شیاطین٬ چندین نبرد  کردیم         مارا اسیر کردند٬ دردا که مات کردند
تاراج٬ قتل وغارت٬ بهر طلا و ثروت             اسلام را بهانه٬ تا سومنات کردند

 (ازمرحوم بیرنگ کوهدامنی)

Sunday, 1 January 2012

پرابلم امسال را میتوانیم قصهّ گذشتهّ پارسال بسازیم

گذشته ها گذشت و آینده ها در انتظار است.  پس بکوشیم قصهّ  تلخ گذشته را فراموش٬ و دیگر بیان نکنیم. دیگر اینکه کی ها چه کارهای بدی را انجام داده اند بس کنیم.  اگر  خوب میدانیم  که این  در همین لحظه هیچ درد ما را دوا نمیکند٬ در مورد آن صحبت نکنیم.   
حتی  یک کلمه هم در مورد آن دردی نگوییم که مارا امروز به حالت شکست مواجه نموده و میدانیم  نمیتواند از این حالت ما را نجات دهد و یا اگر حالت مارا  هم بهبود نمیبخشد. 
 دیگر به  یاد آوری آن گذشته های تلخی  در غیر آنصورت که به امروز ما کمک کند نپردازیم٬ زیرا انرژی را که باید به کار های موثر امروز صرف نماییم غرق آن گذشته تلخ میسازیم. 
البته از گذشته و تجربه های تلخ آن باید آموخت و  به منفعت حال از آن استفاده نمود٬ نه به اندازهّ ایکه به حال ما تاثیر منفی وارد نماید.  زیرا طوریکه گفته اند: تجربه مادر آموزش است! 
از تجربه های تلخ گذشته باید درس های شیرین به نسل های آینده به جا گذاشت و هم اجازه نباید داد تا بیان قصهّ تلخ قلب و افکار مارا متضرر سازد که درآنصورت نه به حال و نه به آینده چیزی دیگری ببآر میآوریم جز همان قصهّ تلخ گذشته .