Personal Development
It is true for everyone that as individuals we all need to be committed to our personal development and this is a life learning process. Particularly people like myself who were brought up in Afghanistan and who have experienced the bitterness of the sufferings that so-called “Afghan” war had on them.
What is PD? And why is it important?
This is my favorite subject and I think crucial in life. This is a fast changing theme as technology era in our fast changing world.
This is not only the negative traditions and old style aggressive political and inter- ethnical relations that need changing but its's also important to be prepared and to respond to all these challenges as Individuals.
The process of Personal Development is awareness of our improvement and achieving the highest in life. For us as individuals to be successful and make the best use of our strengths and talent in several aspects, we need to create a culture of self-effectiveness and self-improvement.
To be effective we need to try to:
· Reduce and decrease our negative qualities such as ego, anger, greed and doubts by as much as possible.
· Learn to appreciate our own self and others. As our PD is for ourselves and improving our relationships with and attitude towards other people and our environment. We have to appreciate what ever we have and get in life.
· PD is also about self-simplicity and self-satisfaction in life. It is about our inner deeper voice from our heart, a moment with our own self to be able to have an opportunity to listen to the voice of our heart with our silent mind.
· PD is realisation of who am I? In a moment of silence going back to, where I am coming from? Knowing what I need and how much I need in life? How I should behave to be a positive example?
· Simply, PD is a process of thoughts and belief that by living simple and appreciative life in peace and love with others surrounding me and being thankful for what I have.